
  • 2024.09-2026.09 国家博士后创新人才支持项目:农村建筑光储直柔供需匹配机理与自适应控制策略研究;
  • 2024.08-2026.07 建筑安全与环境国家重点实验室(中国建筑科学研究院有限公司)开放课题:室内TVOC/CO2快速协同吸附净化调控机理研究;
  • 2024.07-2027.06 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目:室内多污染物快速捕集过程限域吸附稳定性调控机理研究;
  • 2024.06-2026.06 特种功能防水材料国家重点实验室开放课题:基于防水透汽需求的外墙系统热湿模拟研究;
  • 2024.01-2025.12 中国博士后科学基金第74批面上资助:基于儿童产热及散热特点的湿热地区夏季室外热舒适机理模型研究;
  • 2023.12-2025.11 建筑安全与环境国家重点实验室/国家建筑工程技术研究中心开放课题:被动式辐射致冷涂料的传热机理与应用效果研究;
  • 2023.12-2025.11 高密度人居环境生态与节能教育部重点实验室(同济大学)开放课题:高密度室内多组分气态污染物吸附强化机理研究;
  • 2023.10-2025.10 国家博士后创新人才支持项目:室内多组分气态污染物协同吸附强化与迁移解离耦合机理研究;
  • 2023.06-2024.12 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:密闭/半密闭室内污染物竞争吸附过程协同调控机理研究;
  • 2023.04-2025.04 中国工程院重大咨询项目:城乡能源供给系统与路径发展战略;
  • 2022.01-2025.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:多孔建筑材料全湿度区间全吸放湿过程湿迁移机理研究;
  • 2021.10-2023.09 重庆市自然科学基金(博士后基金) :新型通风隔声窗的降噪性研究;
  • 2021.01-2022.12 亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室面上项目:亚热带地区办公建筑调湿材料应用优化研究;
  • 2020.01-2021.12 中央高校基本科研业务费学科交叉与团队建设专项:基于建筑构造的发泡陶瓷综合性能优化研究;
  • 2020.01-2021.12 国家重点研发计划“净零能耗建筑适宜技术研究与集成示范”子任务:净零能耗建筑预冷通风蓄能关键技术研究;
  • 2020.01-2021.12 国家重点研发计划“净零能耗建筑适宜技术研究与集成示范”子任务:中美建筑节能材料与产品标准比对研究报告;
  • 2019.11-2022.10 重庆大学“百人计划”青年人才项目;
  • 2018.01-2019.12 中欧九国联合对比实验项目:多孔建筑材料湿物理性质的测试;
  • 2016.01-2018.12 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:变物性条件下的建筑围护结构内部冷凝研究;
  • 2016.01-2017.12 亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室面上项目:多孔建筑材料等温吸湿曲线的动态测定方法研究。



  • T/CECS《建筑用辐射致冷涂料应用技术规程》;
  • T/CECS 10203-2022《建筑材料湿物理性质测试方法》;
  • T/CECS 10292-2023《多孔建筑材料保水曲线测定 半透膜法》;
  • T/CECS 10378-2024《建筑用辐射致冷涂料》;
  • T/CECS《建筑立面风驱雨计算方法》。


  • ISO 22185-3 (E) “Diagnosing moisture damage in buildings and implementing countermeasures – Part 3: Addressing known moisture damage conditions”;
  • ISO 22185-2:2024 “Diagnosing moisture damage in buildings and implementing countermeasures – Part 2: Assessment of conditions”;
  • ISO 22185-1:2021 “Diagnosing moisture damage in buildings and implementing countermeasures – Part 1: Principles, nomenclature and moisture transport mechanisms”;
  • T/CABEE 058-2023《建筑保温材料中六溴环十二烷(HBCD)检测方法标准》;
  • T/CABEE 059-2023《六溴环十二烷(HBCD)替代型保温材料外墙外保温系统应用技术导则》;
  • T/CECS《建筑工程混凝土屋面防水耐久性评定方法标准》;
  • T/CECS《含湿多孔建筑材料导热系数的测定 瞬态平面热源法》;
  • T/CECS《既有建筑外保温系统检测与评价标准》;
  • T/CECS《建筑材料调湿性能测试与评价标准》;
  • T/CECS 10278-2023《微晶发泡陶瓷保温装饰一体板》;
  • T/CECS 734-2020《建筑材料及制品液态水吸水性能部分浸入法试验方法标准》;
  • DB63/T 1626-2020《青海省居住建筑节能设计标准-75%节能》;
  • CECS 441-2016《城市地下空间内部环境设计标准》。



  1. Weinan Gan, Xiaolong Li, Jinzhong Fang, Chi Feng*. Influence of input uncertainty on the 1-D hygrothermal simulation of composite walls in China. Building Simulation. (accepted)
  2. Yue He, Yue Lei, Shan Gao, Xuhui Luo, Lixin Sun, Chi Feng*. How to rapidly and accurately evaluate the cooling performance of radiative cooling materials? Renewable Energy, 2024, 236:121503
  3. Shan Gao, Wonseok Oh, Chao Lin, Chi Feng*. A review of thermal comfort of 4- to 14-year-old children via field experiments: Experimental designs and methods. Energy and buildings, 2024, 332, 114687.
  4. Jinzhong Fang, Qiujia Lai, Huibo Zhang, Peng Ren, Mingfang Tang, Xiaolong Li*, Chi Feng. Influence of materials and surface parameters on the moisture buffering in office buildings a sensitivity analysis of China. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2024, 61: 104964
  5. Qiujia Lai, Huan Liu, Chi Feng*, Shan Gao. Comparison of mold experiments on building materials: A methodological review. Building and Environment, 2024, 261:111725
  6. Yue He, Biao Lu, Jinzhong Fang, Yue Lei, Shan Gao, Chi Feng*. Radiative cooling for long-term building energy efficiency: an experimental comparison of seven coatings. National Science Open, 2024, 3(3):20230065
  7. Yue Lei, Yue He, Xiaolong Li, Yanpei Tian, Xinan Xiang, Chi Feng*. Experimental comparison on the performance of radiative, reflective and evaporative cooling in extremely hot climate: a case study in Chongqing, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2024, 100:105023
  8. Chi Feng, Yuqun Zhuo, Pengbo Hu*. Research on nonsteady‑state adsorption and regulation towards stabler adsorption for benzene over single‑wall carbon materials. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30:110431-110460
  9. Shan Gao*, Ryozo Ooka, Wonseok Oh. Overall and local intrinsic clothing insulation using thermal manikin: Impact of methods employed and postures, Building and Environment, 2023, 243: 110639
  10. Chi Feng, Yuqun Zhuo, Pengbo Hu*. Research on adsorption enhancement of formaldehyde over transition-sensitive carbon materials for fast purification. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 76: 107353
  11. Xiaolong Li, Qiuyang Zhong, Mingfang Tang, Yafeng Gao, Chi Feng*. Experimental and numerical analysis of the hygric performance of earthen buildings after façade hydrophobization treatment. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2023, 19:e02217
  12. Biao Lu, Jinzhong Fang, Yunjie Li, Huibo Zhang, Yafeng Gao, Chi Feng*. Accuracy of semi-empirical models for wind-driven rain using different data processing methods for wind velocity and direction. Building and Environment, 2023, 237:110300
  13. Xianqi Huang, Ruijin Ma, Hanyu Yang, Chi Feng*, Kun Li. Comparative evaluation of data mining methods in predicting the water vapor permeability of cement-based materials. Building Simulation, 2023, 16(6): 853-67
  14. Yue Lei, Xianqi Huang, Xiaolong Li, Chi Feng*. Impact of aging, precipitation, and orientation on performance of radiative cooling for building envelope: a field investigation. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 279: 112716
  15. Mengli Zhou, Xiaolong Li, Chi Feng*, Hans Janssen. Hygric properties of porous building materials (VIII): influence of reduced air pressure. Building and Environment, 2022,225:109680
  16. Chi Feng, Yue Lei, Jinzhong Fang, Biao Lu, Xiaolong Li*, Xiao Xue. Optimized radiative parameters of building roof surfaces for energy efficiency: case studies in China. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 61: 105289
  17. Kun Zhong, Xingyu Chen, Qinglin Meng, Maoyu Ran, Zhong Zhang, Xianghui Liu, Chi Feng*. Application of the air-pipe rack heat exchanger heating system in residential buildings of Guangzhou. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 61:105280
  18. Chi Feng, Yue Lei, Xianqi Huang, Weidong Zhang, Ya Feng, Xing Zheng*. Experimental and theoretical analysis of sub-ambient cooling with longwave radiative coating. Renewable Energy, 2022, 193: 634-644
  19. Yue Lei, Kun Li, Mei Dou, Lianhua Liu, Ya Feng, Chi Feng*. Towards Optimized Pore Structure to Balance the Thermal-Mechanical Performance of Foamed Ceramic. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2022, 16: e01072
  20. Hongqiang Zhang†, Yuanzhu Cai†, Lianhua Liu†, Jie Qin, Yanwen Li, Zhuo Yang, Zhipeng Sun, Rong Wang, Yangang Zhang, Ya Feng, Zhongyu He, Weidong Zhang*, Chi Feng*, Xiao Xue*.Super-amphiphobic coatings with sub-ambient daytime radiative cooling – Part 1: Optical and self-cleaning features. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2022,245: 111859
  21. Lianhua Liu†, Hongqiang Zhang†, Yuanzhu Cai†, Yanwen Li, Jie Qin, Zhuo Yang, Rong Wang, Yangang Zhang, Zhipeng Sun, Xiao Xue, Ya Feng, Zhongyu He, Weidong Zhang*, Chi Feng*, Qinglong Gao*.Super-amphiphobic coatings with sub-ambient daytime radiative cooling – Part 2: Cooling effect under real conditions. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2022,241: 111736
  22. Xing Zheng, Zhenjing Yang, Jiachuan Yang, Mingfang Tang, Chi Feng*. An experimental study on the thermal and energy performance of self-sustaining green roofs under severe drought conditions in summer. Energy and Buildings, 2022,261:111953
  23. Jinzhong Fang, Huibo Zhang, Peng Ren, Bao-Jie He, Mingfang Tang, Chi Feng*.Influence of climates and materials on the moisture buffering in office buildings: a comprehensive numerical study in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022,29(10): 14158-14175
  24. Chi Feng*, Hans Janssen. Hygric properties of porous building materials (VII): full-range benchmark characterizations of three materials. Building and Environment, 2021, 195: 107727
  25. Chi Feng*, Hans Janssen. Impact of water repellent agent concentration on the effect of hydrophobization on building materials. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 39: 102284
  26. 周孟丽方巾中陈向晖,楼华鼎,高姗冯驰*. 低气压下水蒸气渗透系数变化对建筑外墙热湿性能影响模拟研究. 建筑科学.(已接收)
  27. 张阳胡鹏博冯驰*. 室内气态污染物测定方法及其影响因素研究进展. 化工进展. (已接收)
  28. 路标高姗,芮小明,邹亚年,曾诚,熊新红,冯驰*. 辐射致冷涂料应用于粮仓的夏季降温节能效果实测研究. 建筑节能(中英文).(已接收)
  29. 黄先奇, 罗臣佑, 胡鹏博, 冯驰*. 多孔建筑材料含湿量无损测试方法综述. 建筑科学. (已接收)
  30. 李蕴洁, 路标, 胡鹏博, 冯驰*. 建筑立面风驱雨撞击与响应研究综述. 建筑节能(中英文).(已接收)
  31. 李亚军李小龙*. 窗的传热模型及热工参数研究综述. 建筑节能(中英文). (已接收)
  32. 高姗*,金雨蒙,王月梅,冯驰. 基于营造及评价非均匀热环境目标的人体对流换热系数研究.暖通空调. 2023, 53(9): 100-106
  33. 路标,陶昌军,向东篱,李小龙,冯驰*. 辐射制冷涂料用于数据中心机房的节能潜力模拟分析. 建筑节能(中英文). 2023, 51(07): 49-54
  34. 崔雨萌,张宇峰,冯驰*. 水蒸气渗透系数干湿杯实验系统性误差的来源及修正. 建筑科学. 2023, 39(8): 168-175
  35. 朱子健胡鹏博冯驰*. 多孔材料毛细滞后现象研究综述. 材料导报. 2024,38(12): 23030281
  36. 黄先奇,李小龙,冯驰*. 多孔介质湿物理性质预测方法综述. 材料导报. 2023, 37(05): 21080186
  37. 冯驰*. 关于建筑围护结构中水分传递驱动势的讨论. 建筑节能(中英文). 2022, 50(11): 1-7
  38. 周孟丽,李小龙,冯驰*. 中美保温材料与门窗热工性能及测试标准对比. 建筑节能(中英文). 2022, 50(8): 24-30
  39. 杨寒羽黄先奇,唐鸣放,冯驰*. 多孔建筑材料液态水扩散系数的简化预测方法. 建筑科学. 2022, 38(4): 37-43
  40. 赖求佳冯驰*. 建筑材料霉菌生长预测模型综述. 建筑科学. 2022, 38(6): 206-215,282
  41. 方巾中,张会波,任鹏,唐鸣放,冯驰*. 亚热带地区办公建筑湿缓冲潜力模拟研究. 建筑节能(中英文).2022, 50(3): 9-14
  42. 雷玥,周建兵,刘力志,唐鸣放,冯驰*. 双试件防护热板法测定发泡陶瓷导热系数的误差修正. 建筑节能(中英文). 2022, 50(1): 41-45
  43. 胡斌,冯驰*,何九莲. 高原极端气候下水切伦科夫(WCDA)水池防冻控制保温设计. 四川建筑科学研究. 2021, 47(3): 77-84
  44. 张传群,唐鸣放,冯驰*. 金属板复合保温屋面内部冷凝研究. 建筑科学. 2021, 37(4): 60-65, 119
  45. 钟秋阳,唐鸣放,冯驰*. 外墙憎水处理对重庆地区生土建筑围护结构及室内湿环境的影响. 建筑科学. 2021, 37(4): 93-100
  46. 雷玥杨寒羽,张宇,唐鸣放,孟庆林,冯驰*. 多孔建筑材料热湿物理性质测试方法与现状综述. 建筑科学. 2021, 37(2): 165-173, 184


  1. Yue He, Biao Lu, Yue Lei, Yuhua Deng, Shan Gao, Chi Feng*. Effect of natural aging on the long-term cooling performance of radiative cooling coating: a field study. The 18th International Conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate. (accepted)
  2. Xinyue Luo, Pengbo Hu, Chi Feng*. Influence of leakage corrections on the cup test results. The 18th International Conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate. (accepted)
  3. Ting Fu, Qiujia Lai, Di Huang, Shan Gao, Huan Liu, Chi Feng*. Gender-related indoor fungal diversity: a case study of university dormitory in Chongqing, China. The 18th International Conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate. (accepted)
  4. Qiujia Lai, Ting Fu, Shan Gao, Huan Liu, Chi Feng*. Uncovering the Stochastic Mould Growth on Building Materials: A Laboratory Study. The 11th International Conference on Sustainable Development in Building and Environment. (accepted)
  5. Weinan Gan, Jinzhong Fang, Xiaolong Li, Xing Zheng, Chi Feng*. Influence of input uncertainties on the 1-D hygrothermal process of composite walls in Chongqing. The 11th International Conference on Sustainable Development in Building and Environment. (accepted)
  6. Mengli Zhou, Zijian Zhu, Xiaolong Li, Chi Feng*. Influence of Reduced Air Pressure on the Sorption Isotherm and Vapor Permeability of Porous Building Materials. 5th Central European Symposium on Building Physics. Bratislava, Slovakia. 2022.
  7. Yue Lei, Xing Zheng, Mei Dou, Lihong Zheng, Mingfang Tang, Chi Feng*. Pore structure optimization for balancing the thermal-mechanical performance of foamed ceramic. Proceedings of the 8th International Building Physics Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark. 2021. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2069, 012211
  8. Hanyu Yang, Xing Zheng, Mingfang Tang, Chi Feng*. Interstitial condensation in Chinese residential buildings: cliché or challenge? (long abstract) Proceedings of the 8th International Building Physics Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark. 2021. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2069, 012206
  9. 雷玥何悦,李小龙,郑星,冯驰*. 辐射制冷涂料与加气混凝土的降温隔热效果对比测试. 第15届建筑物理学术大会. (已接收)
  10. 路标李蕴洁,张会波,高亚锋,冯驰*. 不同降雨事件中风驱雨测量误差研究. 第15届建筑物理学术大会. (已接收)
  11. 高姗,Ooka Ryozo,Oh Wonseok,冯驰*. 风速及风向对服装整体和局部热阻影响实验研究. 第15届建筑物理学术大会. (已接收)